• Question: what is larver?

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      Asked by moles to Andrew, Jade, Jessica, Kevin, Lynn on 23 Jun 2015.
      • Photo: Jess Wade

        Jess Wade answered on 23 Jun 2015:

        Hey moles- Lots of animals are ‘larvae’ at one stage in their lives, when they are really young. IF animals have funny development cycles (like a butterfly), they experience a funny stage of life which is quite different to what they’re like when they grow up. For example, larva is the young stage of a butterfly. Tadpoles (frog larvae) live exclusively in water, but adult frogs can jump about on land.
        Lava is the hot molten rock that pours out of the earth’s core during a volcano! It is at the middle of our planet and can get up to 1,200 degrees C!
