• Question: As a young child I want to be inspired. What can you do to inspire me to be like you.

    Asked by The Ge Ni U S to Andrew, Jade, Jessica, Kevin, Lynn on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Jess Wade

      Jess Wade answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      You have the most inspirational tool in the universe- the internet! I would look at the science museum website and check out what type of science most excites you. Do you want to learn more about the stars? Are you interested in why different molecules stick together? Do you want to know how plants survive? There are so many great scientific questions you can ask, and the answers all lie on-line or in books.

      It’s actually pretty hard not to see physics in every day life- physics explains how bicycles work and how car engines work. It also makes the electronics behind our mobile phones, light bulbs, fridges, cameras, TVs. There are so many things we use every day without thinking but really we could be thinking ‘How does it actually work?’? I would start off by asking yourself that about everything and then trying to find the answer. Even just looking at the sky- why does the moon change shape? Science has answered so many questions, but luckily for you there are more questions coming all the time.

    • Photo: Jade Owen

      Jade Owen answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      You have a fantastic thing called curiosity!

      Always look for the answer and settle for nothing but the truth. Never be afraid to ask questions – no matter how silly they may seem. Sometimes one question may lead to many more but these are the best kind! Explore what you are interested in and the things that link to it – it’s amazing the things you can find out.
      But be careful! Some sources of answers can be untruthful – like Wikipedia; a great start to look for answers, but don’t stop there! Anyone can edit that website and what they have put might be wrong. Look in books, ask people, search the internet and even view videos.
      Science is awesome – you just have to look.

      Some things I find pretty cool….
      Cone shells are underwater snails that shoot harpoons at fish and eat them! The harpoons can contain different poisons with each shot depending if they want to paralyse or digest!!
      Chocolate is made of crystals that link together at a specific heat to make it shiny. If you then heat it again at the wrong heat the crystals connect in a different shape which makes the chocolate look different – but is still the same yummy taste.
      Bees have been trained to smell bombs!
