• Question: do you like to read about inntersting books or not

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      Asked by 344curc25 to Andrew, Jade, Jessica, Kevin, Lynn on 19 Jun 2015.
      • Photo: Jess Wade

        Jess Wade answered on 19 Jun 2015:

        Of course! I love reading both fiction books and science books. I often read books about teaching physics or maths, and how to make it fun (believe me there are ways!). I read lots of books about cool experiments I can take to schools or do at home- how to get things to explode in the kitchen or how to show different tricks with light.

        I like to read about cycling and cooking and have hundreds and hundreds of recipe books from all over the world!

        Int he evening and on holiday I read detective stories, along with Harry Potter, my favourite book series of all time.. I have every book as an audiobook and still sometimes listen to them to get to sleep!
