• Question: how many viruses are there known to man

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      Asked by #french fries to Andrew, Jade, Jessica, Kevin, Lynn on 15 Jun 2015.
      • Photo: Andrew Fensham-Smith

        Andrew Fensham-Smith answered on 15 Jun 2015:

        People have discovered and studied around 5,000 viruses, though there are probably millions more buried under the earth crust, at the bottom of the sea or even around us that we either can’t get to or can’t grow to study!

      • Photo: Jess Wade

        Jess Wade answered on 15 Jun 2015:

        Too many! Luckily we have awesome doctors and scientists looking for cures to different diseases every day. Viruses work by hijacking the cells of other organisms and injecting what they are made of inside them. Then they take the cell over, and breed more and more new virus cells. It’s pretty mean. They aren’t very organised and have hard shells.
