• Question: If you became big and you had an idea to change the world what would it be.

    Asked by The Ge Ni U S to Andrew, Jade, Jessica, Kevin, Lynn on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Jess Wade

      Jess Wade answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      It would definitely be to use the materials I’m working on to stop global warming, and make lightweight roll-up TVs. What I’m working on is something called plastic electronics, which basically means we make design special materials and make conducting inks. We can control lots of things about these inks, like the colours that they glow if we put electricity for them (great for TV screens and mobile phones) or the colours that they can absorb if we shine light on them. We can use things like your printer at home to print these inks on plastics, but unlike when we print at home our designs can conduct electricity ! This is all really great for light, bendy electronics.

      It is also great for the environment. When we use electricity at home it is usually made from things called ‘fossil fuels’. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are pretty bad for the world and are making the temperature go up. That’s pretty bad news for some animals. We can make clean energy though, from things like wind or solar power. Normally, solar panels (devices that turn sunlight into electricity) are made on glass and are super expensive. With our new materials we can print big sheets of solar cells on cheap plastics really quickly- soon we’ll be printing them like they print newspapers. We can print huge sheets and roll them across deserts, or wrap them around our homes or on the roofs of our cars. My friend took our materials to Brazil and they are already on the cars there! That means we can get clean energy all of the time.

    • Photo: Lynn Martin

      Lynn Martin answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I would like to work on providing a simple and very affordable water purification kit. This would not just be the single use kits that are used at the moment but something that could be used for a family. This would prevent a lot of the water bourne diseases that cause avoidable deaths and can help children go to school and get an education and take themselves out of poverty.

    • Photo: Jade Owen

      Jade Owen answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Tough choice as there’s two things I thinks would be great to do:

      Some medicines work very differently for different people and this is due to our genetics! So warfarin for example helps people with blood clotting issues. For some people it works wonderfully but for others it might only work about 40% effectively – which means they might not get the right dose! So a quick test to see if certain medicines would be better for you based on your genetics would help lots of people!

      I would also love to do research to help agriculture – theres a big issue where farmers need to protect their crops so we have enough good food to eat but sadly some insects like bees get caught up in the pesticides. Bees are great – they help spread pollen for our food/flowers to grow and they also make honey! But they are not doing very well so to make something that would stop pests but protect other good insects would be amazing.
