• Question: Whats the most shocking thing you have ever found out during being a Sciencetist

    Asked by 168curc23 to Jessica, Andrew on 16 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by moles, FlorrieSloth.
    • Photo: Jess Wade

      Jess Wade answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Good morning 168curc23 ! Most shocking thing… well, I found out that light isn’t only a wave but it is also a particle. Light travels in little packets of energy called ‘photons’ like the ‘photos’ we take with our cameras and phones. Photons don’t weight anything, but they carry so much energy they can interact with different molecules- that’s how we feel heat. Photons travel to us from the sun at the speed of light. Actually, not only light from the sun is a stream of photons, but all the different kinds of light- X-Rays that we use in hospitals, microwaves that we use to heat up our dinner and radio waves that we listen to music in the car with. But light can also behave like a wave, like waves in the sea. Light can reflect – hit off shiny surfaces- and it can refract- or slow down when it enters a material where it can travel so fast. Basically the coolest thing ever!
