• Question: Why have humans evolved music?

    Asked by The Ge Ni U S to Andrew, Jade, Jessica, Kevin, Lynn on 22 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Jess Wade

      Jess Wade answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Deep one there- the same reason we have made art, and theatre, literature and opera- because we need some beauty in the world. I personally like to ask myself ‘what did the first person who made a guitar think he’d made- how did he play it!?’ We could have made it to bring people together- all throughout history there have been public music celebrations. It could be scientific- the wave forms of sound waves can have very soothing effects and have been shown by neuroscientists to tap in to different parts of our brains. Some scientists have seen that music can make goosebumps and blood flow to rise. I think all of these different forms of creative expression make different people feel different things- I can’t begin to explain why some like rap and some like jazz and some like heavy metal though!
